Maximizing Potential: Why Managed IT Beats Doing It Yourself Every Time


Imagine what you could accomplish when you streamline your company's operations. Not only can you generate more revenue, but you'll also avoid many problems you would've otherwise encountered.

One of the most notable is becoming one of the 20% of small businesses that fail within a year. Outsourcing your IT obligations can help you take your performance to the next level, but not everyone understands the benefits it provides. Let's explore the key information you should know about working with a managed IT provider.

You'll Reduce Downtime

This is one of the most notable benefits of working with a managed IT professional. Even a brief period of downtime can lead to substantial issues, such as damage to your company's reputation. For instance, imagine you paid a team of workers collectively $2,000 per day for their services.

If your systems go down and they can't work, your costs can quickly add up. There's also a good chance your audience would choose a competitor instead. A managed IT professional will help ensure you overcome performance issues and keep your operations running smoothly.

Higher Return on Investment

It's possible to handle your IT obligations on your own. Given enough time and resources, you'll eventually be able to reach your goals. However, your return on investment will be far lower.

It's unlikely that you'll be able to reach the same target metrics an experienced professional would. This can lead to major issues, such as having less money to invest in other areas of your business.

Minimized Infrastructure Costs

IT infrastructure can be expensive to establish and maintain. It's not uncommon for small businesses to have trouble doing so due to the financial strain it causes. The good news is that working with an IT provider allows you to minimize your expenses in this area.

You can utilize their equipment, servers, and similar technology to meet your needs instead of having to purchase them yourself. From here, you can invest the money you save in other obligations and scale your business sooner than anticipated.

Peace of Mind

There's something to be said about the peace of mind working with an IT professional can bring you. You can devote your time and energy to other responsibilities.

You also won't have to worry about encountering difficulties due to your own mistakes. To clarify, handling IT without professional help creates an opportunity for countless problems to arise.

This can lead to unnecessary stress and detract from your primary responsibilities. Outsourcing can also improve your internal IT team's morale since they won't have as substantial of a workload. As a result, they'll be less likely to look for other jobs elsewhere and will have more enthusiasm while working at your company.

Risk Management

There's no shortage of cybercriminals looking to procure sensitive information from businesses. The cybercrime industry as a whole is estimated to cost the world over $10 trillion by the end of 2025. Professional IT service providers have modern tools and substantial experience they can use to combat hackers.

Risk management isn't limited to cybercrime, though. They can identify areas of concern and make the appropriate changes.

They can also help you emphasize strategies that are currently pulling their weight. Proper risk management will make your company more attractive to potential buyers and investors, as well.

Server Monitoring

It only takes seconds for server issues to arise. Left unchecked, these could quickly evolve into much larger problems. Your IT professional will use active monitoring software to discern suspicious activity and keep your server performance stable.

Server monitoring can also aid with compliance. Depending on the space your company operates in, you'll need to adhere to certain regulations.

Infringing upon these comes with major consequences, such as expensive fines and fees. If your audience learns your company doesn't adhere to compliance standards, they'll be less likely to work with you.

Predictable Costs

Once you sign your agreement with your provider, you'll have accurate insight into what you'll pay each month. This can help you better budget for other expenses.

Reputable providers often have service-level agreements in place, as well. These offer benefits to their clients if the provider falls short of their service obligations. These often come in the form of discounts or having the ability to get out of your contract early.

Finding Managed IT Services

Not all service providers are created equal, and it's imperative to do your due diligence before making your choice. Start by researching their past reputation online and seeing what others have to say about what it was like working with them.

There should be no shortage of positive feedback. Pay attention to how they respond to negative reviews.

If they get defensive or aggressive when faced with criticism, you should continue your search elsewhere. It's also essential to look for fake reviews during your search. These are often posted in large batches and contain many of the same keywords.

Ignore them when making your assessment so you can have an accurate idea of what they're capable of. What is their pricing structure like? You often get what you pay for, and it's never recommended to choose the cheapest options.

There's a point of diminishing returns regarding what you pay, though. Spending more money won't always equate to better results. Somewhere in the middle of the industry's price range can help you meet your needs without exceeding your budget.

Get Started ASAP

The information in this guide will help ensure you understand how to leverage managed IT services. From here, you'll have no trouble taking your performance to new heights and making the most of future opportunities. Just be sure to research the provider you work with.

Inline Networks is a fully managed IT service company that has served the industry since 2005. We pride ourselves on offering individualized plans to our clients and utilizing contemporary technology.

Regardless of your project's complexity, our professional team can bring your vision to life. You'll learn more about the many benefits we can provide when you schedule a call with us today.

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